Proven Data joins EUROPOL’s No More Ransom as a Supporting Partner

As a Supporting Partner, Proven Data supports the No More Ransom initiative to promote existing decryption utilities for ransomware variants and advocating a communal mission of preventing ransomware attacks.

No More Ransom and Proven Data

Proven Data is now an official Supporting Partner of the No More Ransom project headed by EUROPOL & the European Crime Center (EC3). Founded by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police  & their partners, No More Ransom is a collective effort of the global cyber security community and includes participants in both the private and public sectors. As a supportive partner, Proven Data vows to share the resources put forth from NMR and help publicize free decryption utilities that may exist for victims of ransomware.

No More Ransom is a powerful response to the ongoing ransomware crisis where victims look to see how they can recover their files without paying cyber criminals for a decryption utility. Through the diligent work of cryptographic experts from the private & public sectors, more decryption utilities have been added which can help victims decrypt their files. 

The portal is translated in 36 languages which provides victims of all demographics to try and recovery their files. Although the encryption of some ransomware variants remains too strong to break, we are eager to use and publicize the resources of No More Ransom and help clients recover their data if a working decryptor is available.

Highlights of EUROPOL’s NMR

There are many features of the No More Ransom project that victims of ransomware will find useful:

Crypto Sheriff

The Crypto Sheriff feature of No More Ransom can help you identify which variant of ransomware your network has been infected with. You can upload two sample encrypted files to the automated system and determine if there is a free decryption utility that exists within the No More Ransom database.

Ransomware Prevention Advice

The official No More Ransom website hosts a variety of free prevention advice that helps organizations & individuals keep their data safe from ransomware attacks. This includes creating a cyber security framework for your organization and taking data backups seriously. Other prevention tips include training employees against phishing attacks and keeping your operating systems patched regularly. 

Report a Crime

There is a page titled Report a Crime where victims of cyber attacks can report crimes such as ransomware. It is important that if you find yourself a victim of ransomware, you report to the appropriate agency where information about the attack can be collected. 

This is critical to helping your government develop resources that can be used to create solutions in combating these attacks. Learning more about encryption cyber crimes can help gather information about which vulnerabilities attacks are using to encrypt your network. 

About No More Ransom

Law enforcement and IT Security companies have joined forces to disrupt cybercriminal businesses with ransomware connections.

The “No More Ransom” website is an initiative by the National High Tech Crime Unit of the Netherlands’ police, Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre, Kaspersky and McAfee with the goal to help victims of ransomware retrieve their encrypted data without having to pay the criminals.

Since it is much easier to avoid the threat than to fight against it once the system is affected, the project also aims to educate users about how ransomware works and what countermeasures can be taken to effectively prevent infection. The more parties supporting this project the better the results can be. This initiative is open to other public and private parties.

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