Disaster Strikes: Is Your Business Prepared to Recover From Data Recovery Loss?

Imagine this data recovery loss scenario: It’s a typical Monday at your office. The ambient glow of computer screens and upbeat typing of business emails sets the tone for what seems to be a great start to the week. Until…BOOM. A crack of thunder followed by a violent bolt of lightning send you and your company into a tailspin.

The office goes completely dark and, with it, everyone’s computer. Employees are trying to reboot their devices as you hear the haunting question of, “What do we do?” Echo down the corridor. You share this sentiment as you stare angrily at a pitch-black screen that is your computer. All of your pictures from that recent family vacation…company finances…and the huge project you’ve been working feverishly on, that is due by end of the week, are among the things that seemingly go missing in the blink of an eye.

How data recovery loss can impact your business

This scenario is one that is all too common that many companies are often left with when an unforeseen disaster strikes. The key to dealing with disaster is taking proactive measures to help ensure your company is prepared now in the event of a power outage, terrorist attack, or natural disaster later.

For most companies, enrolling with a business data recovery team to ensure processes and backup systems are in place is the essential first step toward data loss prevention and disaster preparation.

To put it into perspective: If you think of your own personal health, you invest in medical insurance so that you are able to visit with your primary care physician or specialist to ensure you are doing everything in your power to maintain optimal health. In the event of an unforeseen accident or injury, you have a doctor in place and your insurance to mitigate costs and make certain you are on the road to recovery as soon as possible.

The same rules should apply when dealing with, and maintaining, the health of your business. You should invest in insurance in the case of a disaster. But, you should also have a relationship with your doctor or specialist (or in this instance, data recovery team) to get your business’ health back on track as soon as possible in the event of a setback.

Data recovery loss prevention tips

Below are 3 main rules of preparedness your company should be following to prevent data recovery loss, for when the unexpected happens:

1) Have a system and a strategy in place

In the chance that disaster does strike, it is important to work with a data recovery team or specialist before to create a preventative strategy. Many times creating a strategy after can lead to business downtime, hefty costs, and detrimental data loss. 

The objective is to ensure all of your company’s data is accounted for, protected and available as requested so that in an event of an emergency, your organization can still function. A data recovery specialist can help you evaluate the way your data is currently stored and recommend a content management system or process which can ultimately save you time, money and aggravation in the event of a calamity.

2) Know how your data is stored

Having a sound understanding of how and where your most important data and subsequent documents are stored is essential to data recovery success. Establishing one central location or system for your data can be a really beneficial move that many businesses make. Subsequently, working in lockstep with a data recovery specialist or team, you will be able to swiftly mitigate risk and communicate where your data is impacted in the case of an emergency.

3) Prep with disaster simulation

Identifying that you need a data recovery team is a key component to a business plan. And ensuring your organization will know how to handle a data recovery disaster is crucial for the success of your business. 

For many companies, the costs associated with having a data recovery plan and team in place is money well spent when compared to the costs associated with the loss of data or a few days of downtime. Simulating a data recovery disaster by ensuring each department has a strategy and system of communication is key.

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